Search configuration properties in the STORECONF table

The STORECONF table contains properties to configure various WebSphere Commerce Search application features.

Configurable properties for search

In the STORECONF table, you can configure the following search-related properties.

When you change the value for a property in the STORECONF database table, you are updating the NAME column with the specified search property, and the VALUE column with the specified updated setting for the specified STOREENT_ID. Then, you must restart your WebSphere Commerce Search server to apply your changes.
Search property Purpose of property This property determines the display mode for showing prices in the storefront.
You can set the following values for this property:
  • Summary: Prices only for the current page are calculated at runtime.
  • Hide price facets.
  • Show computed price and offer price ranges in the product display page.
  • Show computed price in each search result.
  • Show computed price and price ranges on the category display page.
  • Hide price range search in the Advanced Search page.
  • Usage: Prices are not populated in the search index.
  • Summary: All prices are retrieved from the search index.
  • Show price facets with price ranges configured in the facet configuration table.
  • Show indexed price in product display page.
  • Show indexed price in each search result.
  • Show price range search in the Advanced Search page.
  • Usage: Prices are populated in the search index.
  • Summary: Search results contain computed prices, while price facets use indexed prices.
  • Show price facets with price ranges configured in the facet configuration table.
  • Show computed price and offer price ranges in the product display page.
  • Show computed price in each search result.
  • Show computed price and price ranges on the category display page.
  • Show price range search in the Advanced Search page.
  • Usage: Prices for all supported currencies are populated in the search index.
Important: When the price mode is set to 0 or 2, REST calls to the storefront will not automatically return price information. Even if set as the default, price modes 0 or 2 must also be declared in the REST call in order to retrieve price information. Use the GET query parameter priceMode={priceMode} in RESt calls, where {priceMode} is {0} or {2}, when using these modes.
  • If you are using price mode as 1:

    When the indexed price mode is set ( in the STORECONF table), all the catalog search and browsing pages, including the product display page use the indexed price. If the contract price is indexed, these pages use the indexed contract price. However, all the checkout pages, including the shopping cart pages, use the price commands to calculate real time pricing.

  • If you are changing the price mode to 0 or 2:
    1. Locate the extended wc-search.xml file. For more information, see ../refs/../tasks/tde_wcsearch_newcustomindexfield.html. see
    2. To enable the calculated price features, update the extended wc-search.xml file to include the following changes.
      <_config:profile name="IBM_findProductsByCategory" indexName="CatalogEntry">
      <_config:query inherits="true">
      <_config:result inherits="true">
      <_config:field name="components"/>

      These postprocessors are disabled by default for performance considerations. The following sections describe why they are needed for calculated price modes:

      The SolrRESTSearchCatalogEntryViewSKUQueryPostprocessor is required so that SKUs are retrieved from Solr in the same request as products in search results.

      For example, when you view search results in grid mode, it enables price ranges to be displayed for all SKUs and contracts. When you view search results in list mode, it enables products with a single SKU the ability to be added to the shopping cart.

      The SolrRESTSearchCatalogEntryViewComponentsQueryPostprocessor is required so that components of a dynamic kit are retrieved from Solr in the same request as dynamic kits in search results.

      For example, when you view search results for components, the price is displayed. With the postprocessor disabled, the price is shown as pending.

    3. Deploy the changes to the search server.
    4. Restart the WebSphere Commerce Search server.
    For more information, see Displaying price ranges in the storefront.
  • WebSphere Commerce Version or laterIf you are changing the price mode to 2:

    Set up a dedicated thread pool to manage communications between the server and the Search server. Without a dedicated thread pool, browser sessions may hang due to communications deadlocks between the servers.

The default value is 1 (Indexed). This property determines the indexed price mode when prices are indexed.
You can set the following values for this property:
The price column is indexed from the contract price using the following naming convention: price_#currency_#contractId.
The price column is indexed from the standard offer price using the following naming convention: price_#currency.
Note: Only the store-level setting applies for the compatiblePriceIndex property when the store prioritizes price mode settings. This property determines the entitlement check for the B2B and B2C business models.
You can set the following values for this property:
Entitlement is disabled.
Entitlement is enabled.

The default value is 0 (Entitlement is disabled).

Note: To enable your store to use catalog filters that are created with the Catalog Filter and Pricing tool, the value for the property must be set to 1.