Concept stage

During the Concept stage of your project, you communicate WebSphere Commerce capabilities to customers and internal stakeholders. WebSphere Commerce provides resources that you can use to demonstrate, describe, and evaluate WebSphere Commerce features and capabilities.

6 column table that links to the design phases: Concept, Design, Implement, Test, Launch, and Maintain

Concept stage Design stage Implementation stage Testing stage Launch stage Maintenance stage
Reference material Description
HTML starter stores WebSphere Commerce provides a set of static, navigable HTML pages for starter stores. These static assets showcase all the store pages and their different supported flows. For example, there are different pages to demonstrate an empty shopping cart, a shopping cart page with more than 20 items and pagination. You can run the asset by opening the HTML files in a browser. You do not need a development environment that runs on a WebSphere Commerce server. While you view a static page, you can display the names of the JSP file that make up the current page by using the highlight feature. The highlight feature marks off each JSP page and shows its name in the upper left corner of the area.
Use case documentation During a customization project, you must perform architectural design even when you use a WebSphere Commerce starter store. To reduce the time that is required to document use cases for your store, a modifiable use case document is provided that clearly describes the functionality that is provided with a starter store.