Creating Commerce Composer widget display groups

Create a widget display group to organize the widgets that are available within the Add Widgets to Slots window. When business users select to add a widget to a layout template slot, the user can use the widget display group to filter the widgets that show within the Add Widgets to Slots window.

About this task

The Add Widgets to Slots window includes all of the widgets that a store subscribes to and that are registered in the Commerce Composer framework. By default, these widgets are organized into the following widget display groups for filtering the widgets that display in the window at a time:
Set of widgets for use on any page. This group displays as the Widgets for any page option within the Add Widgets to Slots window.
Set of widgets for use on category pages. This group displays as the Category page widgets option within the Add Widgets to Slots window.
Set of widgets for use on catalog entry pages. This group displays as the Catalog entry page widgets option within the Add Widgets to Slots window.
Set of widgets for use on a search results page. This group displays as the Search results page widgets option within the Add Widgets to Slots window.
Figure 1. Add Widgets to Slots window. The window includes the drop-down list with the available widget display groups.

Add Widgets to Slots window.

If you are creating custom widgets, you might want to create a widget display group to include your custom widgets. If you are creating new page types to be managed with the Commerce Composer tool, you might want to create a widget display group for that page type. Your new group can include all of the widgets that a Management Center user can add to layout template slots for that new page type.

To create a widget display group, you must create a Management Center object definition for the group and define the text properties for the group. After you define the object definition for your new group and rebuild the LOBTools project, the Management Center framework updates to include your group in the Commerce Composer tool. To create the source code files for defining the widget display group object definition and text properties, you can use one of the following options:
  • Use an existing widget display group object definition as a model for creating the object definition for your new widget display group. The following steps outline the procedure for this option.
  • Use the JET Transformation with a pattern input file to generate a new code package that includes the source code files for your new widget display group. If you choose to use this method, you must move or merge the generated files into your existing LOBTools project. When you are creating the pattern input file for use with the JET Transformation, ensure that you include the <widgetGroup> element and corresponding attributes to generate the files for your widget display group. If you are only creating the source code files for a widget display group, do not include the <widgetDef> element. You can use the JET Transformation to create the source code files for only a single widget display group when you run the transformation.

    For more information about using the JET Transformation to generate your source code files, see Generating Commerce Composer widget source code. For more information about moving the generated files into your LOBTools project, see Adding Management Center support for a Commerce Composer widget.


  1. Start WebSphere Commerce Developer. Switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
  2. Optional: If the file structure does not exist, create the file structure to include your custom Commerce Composer assets.
    1. Go to the LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\xml directory.
    2. Create a folder to contain your custom assets.
      For example, you can name the directory MyCompany.
    3. Within this directory, create the pagelayout\widgetDefinitions folder structure.
    4. Go to the LOBTools\src\com directory.
    5. Create a folder to contain your custom assets.
      For example, you can name the directory MyCompany.
    6. Within this directory, create the commerce\pagelayout\client\lobtools\properties folder structure.
    7. Go to the LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\xml directory.
    8. Create a folder to contain your custom assets.
      For example, you can name the directory MyCompany.
    9. Within this directory, create the pagelayout directory.
  3. Create object definition file for your new widget display group.
    1. Go to the LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\xml\commerce\pagelayout\widgetDefinitions directory.
    2. Copy of one the widget group object definition files that are provided by default.
      For example, copy the AnyPageWidgetGroup.xml file.
    3. Go to the LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\xml\MyCompany\pagelayout\widgetDefinitions directory.
    4. Add your copied object definition file into this directory.
    5. Rename your copied object definition file. Use the format WidgetGroupIdentifierWidgetGroup.xml, where WidgetGroupIdentifier is the value of the identifier for your new widget display group
      For example, if you are creating a widget display group for custom widgets that are created by your company, you can name the file, MyCompanyCustomPageWidgetGroup.xml.
    6. Open the file for editing.
      By default the file includes the following code to define a widget display group:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
        WebSphere Commerce
        (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 All Rights Reserved.
        US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
        disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
        IBM Corp.
      	<LayoutWidgetGroup definitionName="cmc/pagelayout/AnyPageWidgetGroup" 
      		<dependency localName="pageLayoutResources" moduleName="cmc/pagelayout/PageLayoutResources"/>
      The name of the definition for the widget display group object definition.
      The name of the widget display group that displays in the Add Widgets to Slots window within the Commerce Composer tool. The value for this attribute is in defined within the text properties file. This file is in the LOBTools\src\com\ibm\commerce\pagelayout\client\lobtools\properties directory.
      The identifying name for the widget display group.
      The name of the package for widget display groups within the workspace.
      The name of the parent object definition.
    7. Update the values for the object definition to define your new widget group
    8. Save and close the file.
  4. Create or update a properties file to include the text for your widget display group.
    1. Go to the LOBTools\src\com\ibm\commerce\pagelayout\client\lobtools\properties directory.
    2. Optional: If a properties file does not exist for your custom assets, create a properties file. Name the file
    3. Open the file for editing.
    4. Add the following code to define the display name for your widget display group:
      Where WidgetGroupIdentifier is the value of the identifier for your new widget display group. For example,
      widgetGroupDisplayName_MyCompanyCustomPage=Custom widgets for any page
    5. Save and close the file.
  5. Register the text property for your widget display group within a resource bundle.
  6. If you created a resource bundle file to register your widget display group text properties, include the new resource bundle wherever it is used.
  7. Include any appropriate widget within your new widget display group. For each widget that you want to include within the group, update the object definition for the widget.
    1. Go to the directory that includes the object definitions for your store widgets.
      • If you want to include a widget that is available by default, go to the following directory:
        • LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\xml\commerce\pagelayout\widgetDefinitions
      • If you want to include a custom widget, go to the following directory:
        • LOBTools\WebContent\WEB-INF\src\xml\MyCompany\pagelayout\widgetDefinitions
    2. Expand the directory that includes the definitions of the widget that you want to include within your widget display group.
    3. Open the object definition file of the widget for editing.
    4. Locate the widgetDisplayGroups attribute within the widget object definition element.
    5. Update the values for the attribute to include your widget display group.
      For example, for a widget that is included within CatalogEntryPage widget display group, the updated attribute can resemble the following code:
    6. Save and close the file.
  8. Verify that your widget display group is available within the Add Widgets to Slots window in the Commerce Composer tool. Create a layout. When you select to add a widget to a template slot, ensure that you can filter by your new widget display group. Ensure that only the widgets that you included within this group display when you select your widget display group.