Overriding a process service for a Management Center object

If you need to include process more information for an object or change how information for an object is processed, you can override an existing process service. To override the service, you must create a custom controller configuration for the service within the spring-extension.xml file to change how the Spring framework handles the service request.

About this task

All of your custom Spring framework configurations or overrides of existing configurations must be included within the spring-extension.xml file. Do not change any spring-ibm-component.xml files that are provided by WebSphere Commerce. These files can be overwritten when you apply maintenance or upgrade WebSphere Commerce.


  1. Open IBM WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  2. In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand LOBTools > WebContent > WEB-INF.
  3. Open the spring-ibm-component.xml for the component that includes the process service configuration that you want to override.
  4. Within the file, locate the <bean> element for the service configuration and copy the configuration.
  5. Open the spring-extension.xml file for editing and add the configuration that you copied into this file. Add or change the values for the attributes in the configuration to match the values that you want for the process service. Your configurations within this extension file override the configurations for the same services within the spring-ibm-component.xml files that are provided by WebSphere Commerce.
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Restart your WebSphere Commerce Test Server and test your changes.