Displaying an alternative price in Management Center

You can customize Management Center to show an alternative price to your customers, such as a competitors price, with the Catalog Filter and Pricing tool. This price list is in addition to the list price and offer price. You can choose where to display the alternative price, on pages such as the category page, product detail page, or order flow page.


  1. Create a price list of the new price data.
    For example, a list of competitors pricing. For more information, see Creating a price list
  2. In the Catalog Filter and Pricing tool, upload the price list. For more information, see Uploading price lists.
  3. Open an existing price rule, or create a price rule. Add the Get Price from Price List action to the price rule. For more information, see Action: Get Price from Price List.
  4. Add a tag in the store front jsp to display the new price.
    1. Add the priceString to the jsp tag.
      For example,
      <div id="ThirdPrice" class="offerprice bold">
           <fmt:formatNumber value="{priceString}" type="currency" currencySymbol="${env_CurrencySymbolToFormat}" maxFractionDigits="{env_currencyDecimal}"/>
  5. Choose where you want to display the new price.
    For example, you can display the new price in a category page, or products detail page.
    Add a getData REST service. The getData REST service retrieves the price list and assigns the price list to the price rule you created in Step 3.
    <c:when test="${type eq 'item' || (type eq 'product' && empty catalogIdEntry.numberOfSKUs)}">
    <wcf:rest var="displayPriceResult" url="/store/{storeId}/display_price">
        <wcf:var name="storeId" value="${param.storeId}" />
        <wcf:param name="q" value="byCatalogEntryIdsAndPriceRuleName"/>
        <wcf:param name="catalogEntryId" value="${catalogIdEntry.uniqueID}"/>
        <wcf:param name="priceRuleName" value="${defaultDisplayPriceRuleName}"/>