Configuring double-click handling

You can configure double-click handling on an instance, on a Web module, or you can define specific URL requests.

About this task

  • Although the attribute in this task is referred to as double-click, it is important to note that it also supports multiple-click functionality. That is, the support is not limited to exactly one additional click, but many additional clicks.
  • It is recommended that double-click handling be implemented using JavaScript on the client-side.


Configure double-click handling using one of these methods:
Enabling or disabling double-click handling for an entire WebSphere Commerce instance Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file and find the EnableDoubleClickHandler attribute. Setting the attribute to a value of true means that double-click support is enabled globally. A value of false disables this feature.
The following snippet of configuration shows the WebSphere Commerce configuration file where double-click is enabled:


      DistributorProxyOrgDN="ou=distributor proxy
organization,o=demand chain management organization,o=root
      WCSInstallDir=".." WorkspacePath="../workspace"/>

Enabling or disabling double-click handling for a Web module
  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
  2. For the module you want to enable or disable double-click handling on, edit the InitParameters element. Change the handleDoubleClick element to true to enable double-click handling, or false to disable it. For example, to enable double-click handling for the Stores Web module:
    <Module contextPath="/webapp/wcs/stores"
         fileServletEnabled="false" name="Stores"
         urlMappingPath="/servlet" webAlias="/wcsstore">
         <InitParameters adapters="XML/HTTP, BrowserAdapter"
  3. Propagate the changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file
Defining URL requests that require double-click checking

The double-click feature must be globally enabled in order to achieve this configuration. By identifying particular commands to include or exclude double-click support, you are choosing the default behavior for all URL request with the exclusion of a select group. For example, if you decide to exclude specific commands from double-click processing, you are indicating that the default behavior is double-click enabled but the processing does not apply to these URL requests. The same goes for the include list where double-click processing will not apply by default except to the specified URL requests. By specifying both an include list and an exclude list, the default behavior is to exclude double-click support except for the specified commands.

Specifying the commands to include and exclude double-click support is done by adding a DoubleClickMonitorCommands node to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. This node will specify the inclusion and exclusion list for commands that do or do not require double-click processing.

The following configuration snippet demonstrates the configuration required to exclude certain URL requests. This configuration node is added to the end of the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

Important: You must disable DoubleClickHandler for the cacheable pages. Incorrect cache content can result if cacheable pages are not included in the exclusion list.

           <command name="StoreCatalogDisplay" /> 
           <command name="TopCategoriesDisplay" />
           <command name="CategoryDisplay" />     
           <command name="ProductDisplay" />      
           <command name="ContentView" />         
           <command name="HelpView" />            

The following configuration snippet demonstrates the configuration required to include certain URL requests. This configuration node is added to the end of the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

           <command name="OrderItemAdd" /> 
           <command name="OrderPrepare" />
           <command name="OrderProcess" />     
           <command name="OrderCopy" />      
           <command name="InterestItemAdd" />         