Running the overall delta deployment process in one step

The delta preparation process and toolkit deployment process in delta mode can be run as a single step for convenience.

Before you begin

  • The target environment must be at the same code level as the baseline, otherwise delta deployment might introduce inconsistencies.
  • Both the baseline and the target deployment packages must be installed and available.
  • The deployment settings must have been configured for a full deployment in the target server deployment directory, so that the delta preparation process can determine the assets that need to be compared. Refer to the Configuring the toolkit deployment settings topic for detail.


  1. If it does not already exist, create and configure the file.
    1. At the same directory level as WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir, create a new properties file called For example, if WCBD_target_toolkit_server_dir is C:\deploy-toolkit-workspace\wcbd-deploy-toolkit-v1.1, the path of the baseline properties file should be C:\deploy-toolkit-workspace\
    2. Open with a text editor, add the baseline.dir property, and set it to WCBD_baseline_deploy_toolkit_dir. For example, if WCBD_baseline_deploy_toolkit_dir is C:\deploy-toolkit-workspace\wcbd-deploy-toolkit-v1.0, the contents of should be set as follows:
  2. Open a command prompt and change to the WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir directory.
  3. Run the following command:
    wcbd-rad-ant.bat -buildfile wcbd-delta-deploy.xml -Dtarget.env=target-env


The overall delta deployment log file WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir/logs/delta-target-env/wcbd-delta-deploy.log is created. Upon a successful delta deployment, the baseline.dir property in will also be set to WCBD_target_deploy_toolkit_dir. Subsequent delta deployment can then use the current target as the next baseline.