Multi-language bootstrap file

wcs.bootstrap_multi_en_US.xml is one of several multi-language bootstrap XML files that populate the database tables in WebSphere Commerce. There are ten multi-language files in total. You may want to access this file to find specific information such as country abbreviations and currency descriptions.

The following types of information and database tables the multi-language bootstrap files populate, include the following:

Database Table Type of Information Code Sample
COUNTRY Populates the country name, such as Canada.
<country countryabbr="CA" 
    language_id="-1" name="Canada" />
CURFMTDESC Populates the currency description, symbol, prefixes, and format.
<curfmtdesc storeent_id="-1" setccurr="USD" 
    language_id="-1" description="US Dollar" currencysymbol="$" 
    currencyprefixpos="$" currencyprefixneg="-$"
QTYFMTDESC Populates the description of the unit of quantity and any attributes and IDs.
<qtyfmtdesc storeent_id="-1" qtyunit_id="GRM" 
    language_id="-1" description="gram" unitsymbol="g"
    unitprefixneg="-" unitsuffixneg="g" numbrusg_id="-1" />
LANGUAGEDS Populates the language descriptions.
<languageds language_id="-1" 
    description="United States English" language_id_desc="-1" />
SETCURRDSC Populates the currency descriptions.

<setcurrdsc setccurr="CNY" 
    language_id="-1" description="Chinese Yuan" />
STATEPROV Populates the descriptions of the states and provinces for each country/region.

<stateprov stateprovabbr="NC" language_id="-1" 
    name="North Carolina" countryabbr="US" />
RTNDNYDESC Populates the return policy descriptions.

<rtndnydesc rtndnyrsn_id="-4" language_id="-1" 
    description="Authorizing this item for credit/return would
exceed amount 
TCSUBTYPDS Populates the descriptions of the default contract terms and conditions.

<tcsubtypds tcsubtype_id="ShippingTCShippingCharge" 
    language_id="-1" description="Shipping Charge Terms and
Conditions" />
Note: It is recommended that you do not modify any of the bootstrap files. If modified, an instance may not be created successfully and this could result in a major support issue.