Changing web services session timeout

Web services sessions, including Management Center, remain active for a specific time period. The session uses a leasing concept and is stored in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. When the lease expires, the user is logged off the system. To change the active time period, update the configuration file.


  1. Open the configuration file.
    • LinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/instance_name.xml
    • For IBM i OS operating systemWC_userdir/instances/instance_name/xml/instance_name.xml
    • WebSphere Commerce Developerworkspace_dir/WC/xml/config/wc-server.xml
  2. Change the lease time by updating the InactivityTimeout, Threshold and ExpiryMgmtChannelId parameters in the following code snippet:
    Refers to the session type. -1 refers to desktop web channel requests and REST-based requests, -4 refers to management center and sales center requests, and -6 refers to mobile device requests.
    The lease time of the session in minutes. The session remains active within this time. In the sample configuration, for example, the lease time is 15 minutes.
    The allowable time in minutes to renew the lease. If a request comes in within this threshold time and after the lease time, the lease on the activity is renewed. In the sample configuration, for example, the threshold time is 15 minutes. Therefore, the activity remains active for 30 (15 + 15) minutes.

    The InactivityTimeout parameter in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file relates to Management Center. Therefore, the users of these tools are bound to the same timeout duration and cannot be separated.

  3. If you are using REST services, you can work with sessions to change timeouts for REST services, and to ensure that REST requests are made to the proper node, either with session affinity or cache replication.
  4. LinuxAIXWindowsFor IBM i OS operating systemDeploy the file to the WebSphere Commerce EAR.
  5. WebSphere Commerce DeveloperRepublish the WebSphere Commerce application.