Maintenance strategy

WebSphere Commerce delivers two types of maintenance packages: fix packs and mod packs. A fix pack contains code fixes and security fixes. A mod pack contains new features and enhancements to existing features. A mod pack also contains most of the fixes that are available at the time of its release. Both types of maintenance packages are cumulative: a fix pack includes all previous fix packs and a mod pack includes all previous mod packs.

If you are upgrading from WebSphere Commerce Version 7, review the following maintenance strategy changes and plan your future maintenance schedule as needed:
Maintenance package Version 8 installation characteristics Planned release schedule for Version 8
Interim fixes

A certified fix that is generally available to all customers between regularly scheduled fix packs, mod packs, or releases. It can contain fixes for one or more product defects (APARs). The associated APARs are closed.

Not applicable Not applicable
Cumulative interim fixes Not applicable Not applicable
Feature packs Not applicable Not applicable
Mod packs

A mod pack is a cumulative collection of all of the functions and fixes that are available since the base version (V.R.) of the product. The mod pack includes functions and fixes not previously released. A mod pack can be applied on top of any previously shipped maintenance to bring the system up to the current mod pack level.

  • Maintain high availability and zero downtime during the installation process.
  • Install by using the rollout update process for clustered environments. In Version 7, the rollout update process was only applicable to interim fixes.
  • Install without any manual steps.
As needed at IBM's discretion.
Fix packs

A specific fix 'package' that is a cumulative collection of all fixes available up to that point for the base release (V.R.M). A fix pack can be applied on top of any previously shipped maintenance to bring the system up to the current fix pack level.

Fix packs are released for the 3 most recent mod packs only. It is recommended that you stay updated with the most recent mod pack, or at minimum, ensure that your environment stays on an active WebSphere Commerce Version 8 level. An active level refers to one of the 3 most recent mod packs. Also, if you install a fix pack that is for a mod pack that is different from your level, then your mod pack level is also updated.

For example, consider a scenario where the latest maintenance release is Mod Pack 6 (8.0.6). Assume that you are on Mod Pack 3 (8.0.3) and you open a PMR for a code defect. The fix is delivered in a fix pack for Mod Pack 6, 5, and 4. If you install the fix pack that was released for Mod Pack 6, then your environment is also automatically upgraded to Mod Pack 6.

  • Maintain high availability and zero downtime during the installation process.
  • Install by using the rollout update process for clustered environments. In Version 7, the rollout update process was only applicable to interim fixes.
  • Install without any manual steps.
Every month *
For a list of available fix packs and mod packs, see Maintenance overview.