WebSphere Commerce Version

What's new in Version 8 Mod Pack 3

What's new includes information about new functionality and changes in existing functionality from WebSphere Commerce Version 8 to WebSphere Commerce Version 8 Mod Pack 3.

To download the mod pack, see WebSphere Commerce Version 8.0 Mod Pack 3 ( and 8.0.3.x fix packs.

Catalog export REST APIs

You can use the WebSphere Commerce REST API to export category and product catalog data in CSV format so that you can use the catalog data in third-party applications.

In the Swagger UI, the catalog_export class is used to export catalog data. Then, the catalog_download class is used to download the exported catalog data.

For more information, see Exporting catalog data.

UBX audience support

You can integrate Universal Behavior Exchange (UBX) with WebSphere Commerce so that you can import and export WebSphere Commerce customer segments as UBX audiences between third-party applications.

After you integrate with UBX, you can work with customer segments in the Marketing tool to export information to external applications. To export, select the Allow exports to external applications property when you create a customer segment. Then, you can manage customer segments by importing and exporting them within UBX.

For more information, see Managing customer segments with UBX.

Intelligent sequencing and featured image

In the Store view, merchandisers that use Commerce Insights can now drag products to position them within a category. You can set up your products to automatically prioritize your goals, by specifying one or more conditions to sequence your products. Intelligent sequencing gives you the ability to explicitly position individual products at the top of the display. For example, you can show dresses in the order of the most units sold last week, but reserve the top five positions for the summer featured dresses.

This feature, previously available only for Commerce on Cloud 16.2 customers, is now available to on-premises customers with Mod Pack 3 or later. For more information about enabling this feature, see Enabling Intelligent sequencing and featured image features for Commerce Insights.

Easily manage "Searchable in Storefront" attributes

The Attribute Dictionary contains values such as size, length, or color that can be reused by multiple products consistently. You can use predefined values, or set them individually by product, and you can make attributes searchable within the storefront. In previousWebSphere Commerce versions, it was not possible to reverse the Searchable in storefront setting once it was turned on. Now, you can switch this attribute on or off using a check box in the Management Center.

Non-sequential primary key

The non-sequential key generation is enabled for ORDERS and ADDRESS tables. If you are using a custom utility to load data into WebSphere Commerce tables, you must update the corresponding entries in the KEYS table. For more information, see Managing the KEYS table for non-sequential key enabled tables.

Promotions enhancements

The Maximum redemptions on a single order redemption limit can be applied to the Percentage off an order and Amount off an order order level promotions, and all catalog entry level promotions.

For more information, see Creating promotions.

Data Load enhancements

The Data Load utility accepts an environment configuration file to be specified in the command line. When specified, it takes precedence over the element that exists in the data load environment configuration file.

For more information, see Data Load utility.