Setting up the development environment for creating an outbound web Service

In this lesson, you set up the development environment that is required for creating an outbound web Service.


  1. Start WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  2. In WebSphere Commerce Developer, enable the Eclipse Developer, XML, and web service capabilities:
    1. Select Window > Preferences > General > Capabilities.
    2. Select the required capabilities in the main pane:
      • Development (Open Advanced to select all in Development)
      • Web Service Developer
      • XML Developer

      Preferences - Capabilities screen capture.

    3. Click OK.
  3. Ensure the Properties view displays:
    1. Select Window > Show View > Properties.
    2. Click OK.
  4. Configure the code generation:
    1. Navigate to Window > Preferences > Web Services > WebSphere > JAX-RPC Code Generation
    2. Select the WSDL2Java tab.
    3. Ensure that Disable data binding and use SOAPElement is not checked.

      Configure code generation