Feature Pack 6 or later

Troubleshooting: REST errors occur from updating to Feature Pack 6 or later

REST errors occur from updating to Feature Pack 6 or later during feature enablement.


REST errors occur from updating Feature Pack 4 or 5 to Feature Pack 6 or later. These problems are caused by outdated class files in WC_eardir/Rest.war that are not removed during feature enablement.

For example, you might receive the following error:

LoggingHelper E /GenericJSPPageError.jsp - java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
at com.ibm.commerce.foundation.internal.client.util.RESTHandler.execute(RESTHandler.java:122)
at com.ibm.commerce.foundation.internal.client.taglib.RESTTag.execute(RESTTag.java:639)
at com.ibm.commerce.foundation.internal.client.taglib.RESTTag.doEndTag(RESTTag.java:304)


To avoid this issue, use one of the following workarounds:
  • Install Feature Pack 6 or later. Enable the foundation feature on top of an installation that does not contain either Feature Pack 4 or Feature Pack 5 with the foundation feature enabled,
  • Disable and re-enable the foundation feature,
  • Manually remove all class files in Rest.war, or
  • Use the WebSphere Application Server administrative console to redeploy the WAR file. For more information, see Deploying a WAR module.