Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Testing your customization

Introduced in Feature Pack 3 In this lesson, you test your customization updates in the storefront and in Sterling DOM to ensure that the changes are successful.


  1. Open a Web browser and navigate to the Madisons starter store.
  2. Click Tableware > Wine Glasses:

    Madisons starter store Wine Glasses screen capture
  3. Add the following items to your shopping cart:
    • "Villagois" Wineglasses
    • "Hawthorne" Wineglasses
  4. Click Shopping Cart to see the items in your shopping cart.
  5. Enter the following engraving information:
    1. "Villagois" Wineglasses
      • 2006
      • Large
      • Courier
    2. Click Save beside the engraving text.
    3. "Hawthorne" Wineglasses
      • 1975
      • Medium
      • Arial
    4. Click Save beside the engraving text.
    Your engraving information should resemble the following screen capture:
    Madisons starter store shopping cart screen capture
  6. Refresh the Web browser to check the retrieved engraving information from the database.
  7. Check the database tables to ensure that the engraving information was saved:
    1. Open another Web browser window and navigate to the following URL:
      • http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp
    2. Enter the following SQL statement:
      SELECT * FROM pattrvalue WHERE OrderItems_id IS NOT NULL;
    3. Check the table for your order items and ensure that the values have persisted to the PATTRVALUE table.
  8. Complete the checkout process and submit the order, making note of the order ID.
  9. Open a Web browser and launch and logon to the Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite: Application Console.
  10. Select Order > Order Console.
  11. In the Search panel, select Sales Order as the Document Type, MadisonsBase as the Enterprise, and the Order # as the WebSphere Commerce order ID noted during checkout, preceded by WC_.
    For example, your sales order should resemble the following screen capture:
    Sales Order screen capture
  12. In the order details display, the Order Lines list is shown with instructions flags displayed for each order line:

    Order Lines screen capture
  13. Click the instruction flag for each line to display the engraving information for the Order Line Instructions:

    Order Lines screen capture


In this lesson, you tested your customization updates in the storefront and in Sterling DOM to ensure that the changes were successful.

To conclude, in this tutorial, you learned how to customize outbound order services from WebSphere Commerce to Sterling DOM.