Introduced in Feature Pack 1

Adding a Share link to a store page so that customers can share the recipe widget

Introduced in Feature Pack 1 In this lesson, you learn how to give customers access to the recipe widget you created in the last lesson. On the Deprecated featureMadisons store page that displays a Recipe Collections list, you add a Share link. When a customer clicks the Share link, the customer can customize your recipe widget and share it to a social network.

Before you begin

This lesson uses the Recipe Collections store page developed during the following tutorial and lesson:

If you do not have this page available, you can try adding the Share link to any store page for the purposes of this tutorial.

About this task

The following screen capture shows where you might add a Share link to the Recipe Collections store page:
Share link for recipe feed


  1. Open the Recipe Collections store page in an editor. If you completed Tutorial: Adding support for a Management Center tool to the Madisons starter store, the Recipe Collections store page should be located here:


  2. At the location in the JSP file that you want to display a Share link, paste the following lines of code:
    <c:import url="${jspStoreDir}Snippets/Marketing/ESpot/RemoteWidgetButtons.jsp">
       <c:param name="showWidget" value="true" />
       <c:param name="sidebarWidgetId" value="your_widgetID" />
       <c:param name="sidebarColors" value="your_layer_name" />
       <c:param name="feedURL" value="your_feedURL" />
       <c:param name="widgetIconStyle" value="top" />
       <c:param name="feedLayer" value="your_feed_layer_name" />

    These lines of code add the Share link to the page. WebSphere Commerce uses a similar code snippet to display the Share link on Deprecated featureMadisons store pages for e-Marketing Spot and wish list remote widgets. The snippet imports the RemoteWidgetButtons.jsp file. This file provides the Share link image, controls its position, and supports the link functions. For your reference, the RemoteWidgetButtons.jsp file is stored here:

  3. Update the parameters in the code snippet for your widget:
    This parameter controls whether to display the Share link on the page. Leave the value set to true. The value false hides the link.
    Specify the ID of the widget you created. In the previous lesson, you wrote down the widget ID displayed in the embed code for the widget.
    Specify a layer in your widget for which you want to allow customers to change the color. Typically, this is the background layer. When the customer clicks the Share link, a "Share this widget" page displays. This page provides options for changing the color of a widget layer.
    Specify the URL for the recipe data displayed the widget you created, for example:
    This parameter positions the Share link. Leave the value set to top.
    Specify the name of the layer in the widget that displays the feed data. In the example shown in the previous lesson, the feed is displayed in a layer named Custom List.
    Now your code snippet for the Share link should look similar to this example:
    <c:import url="${jspStoreDir}Snippets/Marketing/ESpot/RemoteWidgetButtons.jsp">
       <c:param name="showWidget" value="true" />
       <c:param name="sidebarWidgetId" value="339145" />
       <c:param name="sidebarColors" value="background" />
       <c:param name="feedURL" value="" />
       <c:param name="widgetIconStyle" value="top" />
       <c:param name="feedLayer" value="Custom List" />
  4. Save and close the JSP file.
  5. To test the Share link:
    1. Open the Madisons starter store.
    2. Navigate to the Recipe Collections store page.
    3. Click the Share link.
      The "Share this widget" page displays, showing a preview of the widget:
      Share this widget page
      Using the functions on the page, customers can make changes to the dimensions and color of the widget.
    4. Click Share:

      Share your widget page embed code

      Using the functions on the page, customers can share the widget directly to a social network. Alternatively, customers can copy the embed code and then paste it into a Web page outside of WebSphere Commerce.


In this final lesson, you have made your recipe widget available for customers to share from a store page. This concludes the tutorial.