Troubleshooting: Web feed utility issues

The web feed utility returns log and trace information. Some typical problems include incorrect parameters that are passed to the utility, errors in data load configuration files, or insufficient space on the server.

Logging and tracing information is in the following log files, depending on how the web feed utility is run:
SystemOut.log file
Command line
WC_installdir/logs. Trace information is in the dataload.log file, which exists in the folder that the utility is run in.
If the web feed utility encounters problems, you can encounter the following error messages in the log files:
  • SEVERE: An error occurred while performing data load. Throwable occurred: A connection to the database cannot be completed using the specified connection properties.Problem: The database credentials are incorrect.

    Solution: In the wc-dataload-env.xml file, correct the database properties and credentials such as the password, user, schema, and server name.

  • 11/24/10 12:05:00:105 YEKT] 00000278 SystemErr R The mandatory parameter configFile is missing from the Data Load Scheduler

    Problem: The FeedDataloadSchedulerCmd parameters are incorrect.

    Solution: In the Administration Console, verify the settings for the FeedDataloadSchedulerCmd command. Confirm that the XML file location, interval, and other parameters are correct.

  • The configuration XML file is invalid. The error occurred in: file:///CMS/wc-dataload-config.xml, on line: 17, column: 93. Error detected was: cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'maxErrors' is not allowed to appear in element '_config:LoadOrder'.

    Problem:The error tolerance level is not set correctly.

    Solution: In the wc-dataload-config.xml file, confirm that the maxError parameter is set. For example, to set an error tolerance of 5:
    <_config:LoadOrder batchSize="1" commitCount="100" dataLoadMode="Replace" maxError="5">
  • SEVERE: An error occurred while performing data load. Throwable occurred: An IO exception was caught. The error was: A remote host refused an attempted connect operation

    Problem: The FTP credentials are incorrect, or the FTP port is invalid.

    Solution: Ensure that the FTP credentials and port number for the web server static content are correct. Set these settings in the configuration file, Web-feed-config.xml .

  • java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

    Problem: This error occurs when the webFeedLoad utility is run from the command line using an incorrect EAR file path.

    Solution: Ensure that the -Dwaspath parameter specifies the full path to the EAR file. For example:
    webFeedLoad.bat C:\CMS\config-FTP-ATOM-RSS.xml -Dwaspath=C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\demo
  • Data Load Environment configuration file, C:/WebSphere1/CommerceServer70/samples/DataLoad/Catalog/wc-dataload-env.xml, cannot be read. Either the file does not exist, the file path invalid or the file does not have read permissions.

    Problem: This error occurs when the path to the data load environment file (wc-dataload-env.xml) is not specified.

    Solution: Ensure that the environment file path is specified in the web feed configuration file (Web-feed-config.xml). For example:
    <config:dataLoadConfigFile generate="true" envFileLocation="Valid Location">C:/CMS/wc-dataload
  • The configuration XML file is invalid. The error occurred in: file:// C:/CMD/config-FTP-ATOM-RSS.xml, on line: 27, column: 40. Error detected was: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'config:staticContent'.

    Problem: This error occurs when some mandatory elements are missing from the web feed configuration file.

    Solution: Refer to the line and column number, check the web feed configuration file at the specified location and fix any improper or missing tags.

  • The configuration XML file is invalid, because of the following reasons: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: 'invalid' is not a valid value for 'boolean'

    Problem: This error occurs when the generate parameter in the web feed configuration file is specified with a value other than true or false.

    Solution: In the web feed configuration file, ensure that the generate parameter value is either true or false. For example:
    <config:dataLoadConfigFile generate="true" 
  • The configuration XML file is invalid, because of the following reasons: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'config:feedURL1'. One of '{"":feedURL}' is expected.

    Problem: This error occurs when some of the elements in the web feed configuration file are typed incorrectly.

    Solution: Check the web feed configuration file and correct any errors.

  • Exception encountered while attempting to generate data load configurtion files, C:/CMS1/wc-dataload-config.xml and associated business object configuration files.

    Problem: This error occurs when directory specified in the data load XML file does not exist.

    Solution: Ensure that the directory where the data load XML file is to be copied exists. For example, create the C:/CMS1 directory.

  • An error occurred in the HTTP Connector. The error is: The HTTP head request to the resource returned a response with status code, 404, and reason line, Not Found.

    Problem: This error occurs when the feed URL provided in the web feed configuration file is not valid.

    Solution: Ensure to provide a valid URL. To confirm, open the feed URL in a browser and check the content on the page. Verify the page source for missing parameters such as the content source.

  • Error messages: "XML configuration file is not valid", "Scheduled interval is not correct", "Delay is not correct"

    Problem: This error occurs when the FeedDataLoadSchedulerCmd scheduler command is created with incorrect job parameters, or other fields.

    Solution: Provide correct parameters when the FeedDataLoadSchedulerCmd scheduler command is configured.

  • PartialEARBuilder addFile[byte] EXCEPTION:There is not enough space on the disk. update null: IO error when updating Commerce There is not enough space on the disk.

    Problem: The machine does not have sufficient free space. This error might occur when a large amount of content (more than 10K) moves from the web feed (Content Management System).

    Solution: Ensure that the target machine has sufficient space to copy the content. If you are moving more than 10K of content, stop the scheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate and wait until the feedDataLoadSchedulaeCmd scheduler completes.

  • Feed Record [Id : atom_entry_id , Title : atom_entry_title ] Status - Not Processed. No updates found.

    Problem: The web feed was not run because it previously ran successfully. A feed cannot be run more than once.

    Solution: Set the feed id to a new value in the atom.xml so that it would be deemed a new feed.