Installing and configuring Composite Application Manager for WebSphere, Version 6.1 to monitor WebSphere Commerce

IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WebSphere monitors WebSphere Application Server-based Java EE applications. This topic describes how to deploy Tivoli Composite Application Manager to monitor a WebSphere Commerce site.


  1. SolarisLinuxAIXChange the ownership of some WebSphere Application Server folders to grant wasuser execution rights of one shell, If you do not change the ownership, then the Data Collector configuration fails.

    Run the following commands as root user:

    #cd /usr/WebSphere/Appserver (-- WebSphere Application Server
    installation folder)
    #chown wasuser:wasgroup properties/version
    #chown -R wasuser:wasgroup properties/version/history
  2. Install Tivoli Composite Application Manager following the directions in the following guides:
  3. Optional: SolarisLinuxAIXChange the ownership of the shell back to root.
    #cd /usr/WebSphere/Appserver (-- WebSphere Application Server
    installation folder)
    #chown root:system properties/version
    #chown -R root:system properties/version/history
  4. Customize the class filter configuration to monitor WebSphere Commerce on the Data Collector node. When the monitoring level is L3, the class filter on the Data Collector node directly affects the performance on that node. By default, all class names that begin with* are filtered out from the Data Collector. To monitor WebSphere Commerce:
    1. Open itcamdc/etc/was/toolkit_config_was.xml.
    2. Add a <selectClass> tag to monitor specific classes.
      For example:
    3. Save and close the file.
    4. Restart the WebSphere Commerce Server.
  5. Customize the class filter configuration to monitor WebSphere Commerce on the Web Interface for Composite Application Manager Managing Server. By default, the sample configuration that is used for Java EE applications, filters all WebSphere Commerce classes.

    This filter affects the display result in the Management Server; it does not affect the performance on your application server.

    1. Follow the directions in the topic to add WebSphere Commerce classes.
      For example:

    Screen capture that shows adding WebSphere Commerce classes to the Web Interface for Composite Application Manager Managing Server

  6. Follow the directions in the topic to disable the turbo mode setting. Disabling turbo mode probably costs more in processor resources (higher processor usage ratio). But, it can give you better system response (higher transaction throughput and shorter page response time).