Using the authconfig command-line tool

To update all configuration files and services required for the system authentication, you can run the authconfig command-line tool, as shown in the following example:

 authconfig --enableldap --ldapserver=ldap:// 
  --ldapbasedn="dc=tem,dc=test,dc=com" --enablekrb5 
  --krb5realm TEM.TEST.COM --krb5kdc 
  --krb5adminserver --update
Specifies to configure to connect the system with the Windows Active Directory domain using LDAP with Kerberos authentication.
Specifies the address of the LDAP server such as ldap://
Specifies to retrieve the user information using the listed Distinguished Name (DN), such as dc=tem,dc=test,dc=com
Enables the Kerberos password authentication method.
Configures the realm for the Kerberos server, such as TEM.TEST.COM. Ensure you specify the realm name in uppercase.
Specifies the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for issuing Kerberos tickets, such as
Specifies the administration servers running kadmind, such as
Applies all the configuration settings.

For more information about how to use this command, see Configuring Authentication from the Command Line.