Upgrade the server component

If you already installed the BigFix® Remote Control Server software, you can upgrade the component by carrying out a similar installation type to your original installation.

Before you start the upgrade, you must back up your property files and any recording files if applicable. Back up any certificates, if applicable. For more information about backing up and restoring certificates, see the BigFix® Remote Control Administrator's Guide

Property files
  • common.properties
  • ldap.properties
  • trc.properties
  • log4j.properties
  • controller.properties

The files are in the following directories.

Windows® systems
[InstallDir]wlp\usr\servers\trcserver\apps\TRCAPP.ear\trc.war\WEB-INF\classes\ Where InstallDir is the BigFix® Remote Control server installation directory. For example, C:\Program Files ( x86)\IBM\Tivoli\TRC\server\wlp\usr\servers\trcserver\apps\TRCAPP.ear\trc.war\WEB-INF\classes\
Linux® systems
[InstallDir]wlp/usr/servers/trcserver/apps/TRCAPP.ear/trc.war/WEB-INF/classes/ Where InstallDir is the BigFix® Remote Control server installation directory.
Recordings Files
The video recordings folder is defined by the rc.recording.directory property in the trc.properties file.
You can upgrade the server component by using any of the following methods:
Using the installation files
For more information about obtaining the component installation files, see Obtain the installation files. For information about installing the server, by using the installer, see Installing by using the server installer.
Note: During the installation, select to keep existing property files and do not select to drop the database.
For information about installing the server, on WebSphere 8.5, see Installing on WebSphere Application Server version 8.5: deploying the war file.
Using the BigFix® console
If you have the BigFix® console infrastructure installed, you can create and run a server installation task to upgrade the server. For more information about using the wizard to create a server configuration task, see the BigFix® Remote Control Console User's Guide .
Note: When you create the server task, do not select the drop database option if you want to keep your existing database.
When you complete the upgrade verify that the new version is installed, manually edit the new properties files. Update the values with the values that are in your backed up properties files. Restore your recording files and certificates if applicable