Recovering the backup application server

Restore the backup of your BigFix Compliance Analytics application server.


  1. Install the same version of SQL Server that was previously used in either a previous application server computer or a new computer.
    Note: If you used Mixed Mode Authentication on the previous application server, you must enable it for your new SQL installation.
  2. Restore the TEM_Analytics databases from backup.
  3. Install the application server. Use the same version of the application installation binary as was previously used.
  4. At the end of installation, skip the launch web configuration step. Instead, go to NT Services Manager and stop 'BigFix Compliance Analytics' service.
  5. Restore/Replace the backed up configuration and log files and folders. Create the directory structure as needed.
  6. Go to NT Services Manager and start the BigFix Compliance Analytics service.

    Ensure that the new application server computer can access the following datasources: BFEnterprise and BESReporting. For NT Auth to access the TEM_Analytics and BFEnterprise databases, ensure that the service user has the necessary DB/File access rights).