Other Inspector Examples

Some more examples of basic Inspectors include the following:

Q: now
A: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 19:39:33 -0400
I: time

The ‘now’ Inspector returns the current day, date, time and time zone from the client computer. This is an Inspector of the ‘world’ (the environment on the local client computer) that returns a time.

Q: exists file "c:/report.txt"
A: True
I: boolean

This Relevance expression returns True if the specified file exists. This is a filesystem Inspector that evaluates to boolean using the existence operator.

Q: names of folders of folder "c:/program files"
A: Adobe
A: BigFix Enterprise
A: Cisco Systems
A: iPod
A: Macromedia
A: Microsoft Office …
I: string

The above expression returns a list of folders that reside in the specified folder. The names of the folders are string types.

Q: name of current user
A: John
I: string

This phrase returns the name of the current user as a sting type.