
Putting all the pieces together yields complete relevance expressions. They can be short and to the point:

Q: number of active devices 
A: 156

or they can be extremely specific:

Q: exists key whose (value "DisplayVersion" of it as string as version >= 
"10.0.6626.0" as version AND (character 1 of it = "9" AND (character 2 of 
it = "0" OR character 2 of it = "1") AND (first 2 of following text of 
first 3 of it = "11" OR first 2 of following text of first 3 of it = 
"12" OR first 2 of following text of first 3 of it = "13" OR first 2 
of following text of first 3 of it = "28") AND (preceding text of first "}" 
of it ends with "6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9")) of name of it) of key 
of registry

Relevance expressions allow you to analyze and report on specific properties of your client computers with minimal disturbance, so that you act only on the computers that need assistance and none of the others.