createfile until

This command creates a text file named __createfile in the site directory. It allows you to fill a file with a series of statements up to a terminating string. The form of the command is as follows:

createfile until <end-delim-string> 
      line 1 
      line 2 
Note: make sure that the lines labeled 'line 1, line 2, .' do not unintentionally contain the end-delim-string. If they do, the action parser will begin looking for action commands after the first instance of the end-delim-string.


createfile until <delimiter>




parameter "config" = "{pathname of folder (value of variable "tmp" of 
createfile until end 
      Operating system = {name of operating system} 
      Processor count = {number of processors}
delete "{parameter "config"}"
copy __createfile "{parameter "config"}"

Defines a parameter named "config" that contains the pathname of a config file in the tmp folder, creates a new name=value file containing the operating system and processor count, deletes the config file from the tmp folder and replaces it with the new file.

Version 6.0 and above -- Windows Only