
The appendfile command creates a text file named __appendfile in the site directory (by default C:\Program Files\BigFix\__Data\<site name>). Each time you invoke the command, it appends the specified text to the end of the file. This command may be useful for creating diagnostic files or dynamically building files that incorporate attributes of the end-user's machine. This file is automatically deleted when the action Shell Commands begin.


appendfile <text>

Where text represents information to be placed in the file.


appendfile This file will contain details about your computer
appendfile Operating System={name of operating system}
appendfile Windows is installed on the {location of windows folder} drive

The above commands record the OS and Windows location in the append file

appendfile {("Disk " & name of it & ", free space=" & free space of it
  as string) of drives}

The above example records the name and the free space available for all the drives on the client PC.


Use the appendfile command as part of an action that builds a script which is subsequently passed to a script interpreter. For example, you can use the following syntax to create an .ini file using action commands:

appendfile [HKR]
appendfile HostBasedModemData\Parameters\Driver,ModemOn,1,00,00
delete {location of system folder}\smcfg.ini
copy __appendfile {location of system folder}\smcfg.ini
run smcfg

This same technique can be used to build .bat files, .cmd files, visual basic scripts, bash shell scripts, etc.

Version 5.1 and above