
SigningKeys Methods Description
HRESULT SetAppName (
      BSTR appName
Sets the Application Name string that is used to specify the registry key for the BESAPI. Default is 'BESAPI'.
      BSTR dsn
Sets the name of the ODBC DSN to use when you connect to the database. Default is 'BES_bfenterprise'.
HRESULT SetPrivateKeyPath (
      BSTR username, 
      BSTR fullpath
Registers the location of the private key file for the specified user. The fullpath parameter is the full path to the private key file, including the file name that is usually named publisher.pvk.
HRESULT SetPublisherCertPath (
      BSTR username, 
      BSTR fullpath
Registers the location of the user's certificate file that corresponds to the private key. The fullpath parameter is the full path to the certificate file, including the file name that is usually named publisher.crt.
HRESULT SetLicenseCertPath (
      BSTR username, 
      BSTR fullpath
Registers the location of the site license certificate file for the deployment. The fullpath parameter is the full path to the certificate file, including the file name that is usually named license.crt.
HRESULT SetDefaultAppName (
   BSTR appName
Sets the default application name string which is used by every BESAPI object, unless its SetAppName method is used to override the default. If no default is specified using this method and SetAppName is not called explicitly on an object, then the object uses BESAPI as the application name.
   BSTR dsnName
Sets the default name of the ODBC DSN to use when you connect to the database. This DSN is used unless the SetDSN method is used to override the default. If no default is specified with this method, and SetDSN is not called explicitly on an object, then the object uses �BES_bfenterprise as the name of the ODBC DSN when you connect to the database.
SigningKeys Properties Description
HRESULT DiagnosticMessage (
      [out, retval] BSTR *pVal
If a method fails, this property returns a string that contains a diagnostic message.
HRESULT StatusMessage (
      [out, retval] BSTR *pVal
Returns a string that describes the status of the current operation (for example, propagation).
HRESULT AreSigningKeysValid(
      BSTR username,
      BSTR password, 
      [out, retval] BOOL *pVal
True if the keys registered for the specified user are valid, and the specified password is correct. If this is false, then the DiagnosticMessage property specifies the reason that the keys are not valid.
    BSTR username, 
    BSTR password, 
    [out, retval] BOOL* pVal );
Retrieves the masthead from the database and returns true if FIPS mode cryptography is enabled in the masthead.