Requesting access to targets as a non registered user in the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server.

About this task

If you are not a registered user in the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control Server, you can request temporary access to targets. Use this procedure if you do not use the IBM BigFix Remote Control Server application but need access to update software on certain targets, or need to debug a problem on a target. The availability of this option is determined by the property trc.ticket.allow.allaccess, set in the file. For details about editing the properties files, see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Administrator's Guide.

To request temporary access to one or more targets, complete the following steps:


  1. Type the following URL into your browser


    where servername is the address of your IBM BigFix Remote Control Server

  2. Enter the required information for the access request.
  3. Click Submit.


Note: You must give details of the targets required in the Admin Notes® field so that the administrator who accesses the request can determine which targets to select.

When you click Submit an email containing the request is sent to the administrator. An email is returned detailing the outcome of the request. If the request is granted click the link in the email to go to the Create new session screen from where you can start a session with the selected targets within the specified date and times. If your request is denied you are NOT allowed access to the selected targets.