Error messages

In most of cases, connectivity problems that are experienced in IBM® BigFix® Remote Control are related to the surrounding network infrastructure. Error messages in IBM BigFix Remote Control help to pin point these problems.

The following list of error messages might be displayed to the controller user.

Unable to connect to <IP> because of timeout :

An example of this error is that the controller cannot establish basic connectivity to the target or there was an error with the connection before it was accepted or refused.

The target has refused the session :

Example of this error is that either the server does not validate the session attempt, or the target user refuses the session request, when user acceptance policies are enabled.

Session rejected because the pre-session script was not found :

Examples of this error are that the Run pre-session script policy is set but the script cannot be found or the pre-script times out, and the pre/post-script fail operation is set to abort.

Session rejected because the post-session script was not found:

Examples of this error are that the Run post-session script policy is set but the script cannot be found or the post-script times out, and the pre/post-script fail operation is set to abort.

Session rejected because the pre-session script failed with error code: <X> :

This error is similar to the Session rejected because the pre-session script was not found error. However, in this error message if the pre-script fails, the error code that the script returned is also displayed.

Session rejected because the limit of allowed clients has been reached :

This error message is used specifically when you join a collaboration session and the number of participants already in the session reaches the limit of allowed controllers.

Session rejected because the provided credentials are invalid :

This error message is used when an invalid user name and password are entered when you start a Peer to Peer session.

Session rejected because the provided credentials have expired :

When the Windows™ operating system user ID and password are required to start a peer to peer session, this error message is displayed if the ID or password expires.

Session rejected because it is out of the allowed times :

This error message is used when the session is not started within the allowed times.

Session rejected because there is no user logged to confirm the session :

This error message is used when the connect at logon policy is set to Yes but there is no user logged on at the target who can accept the session.

The target might be busy with another session or listening on a different port. Error in the session handshake with target at {0}. :

This error message is displayed when the controller can establish a network connection but it is unable to exchange IBM BigFix Remote Control data. This issue usually happens because there is already an active remote control session on that target or a service other than the IBM BigFix Remote Control target is listening on that port. The IP address of the target is substituted for the {0}.

Error initializing the local FIPS certified cryptographic provider. The session to {0} cannot be established. :

This error message is used when FIPS compliance is not set up on the controller correctly. The controller is not running on a FIPS capable Java™ Runtime Environment. The IP address of the target is substituted for the {0}.

The target does not support FIPS certified encryption. The session to {0} cannot be established. :

This error message is used when FIPS compliance is not supported on the target. The session to {0} cannot be established. The IP address of the target is substituted for the {0}.

Session rejected because of acceptance timeout :

This error message is used when the session is not accepted by the target user in the time that is specified by the acceptance grace time policy and the acceptance timeout action is also set to abort.

The network connection to {0} timed out :

This error message is used when the network connection attempt fails with a time-out. Usually this issue occurs when the connection is stopped by a firewall that is configured to not give any kind of response to the connection attempts it rejects. The IP address of the target is substituted for the {0}.

The network connection to {0} was refused :

This error message is used when the network connection attempt fails because it was rejected. Usually this issue happens when the host is not listening for connections on the port or a firewall is intercepting the connection and is configured to explicitly reject the connections to that port.
Note: This issue is not related to an IBM BigFix Remote Control Session refusal, which happens after the basic network connection is established.

Unable to resolve the address for host {0} :

This error message is used when a host name is provided in the connection details and it cannot be resolved to an IP address.

Failed to connect to {0} :

This error message is a generic connection failure message. It is only displayed if the code cannot figure out why the connection failed so it cannot display any more information than this generic failure message.

Unable to listen for incoming connections :

This error is displayed if the controller is unable to start listening for connections from other controllers in collaboration mode.