Browsing for targets

About this task

Use the Browse targets action to browse through the defined target groups for a specific target. When you select Browse targets, an expandable list of target groups is displayed. Select a target group to see a list of the target members. If you do not have permission to access the targets in the selected target group, no targets are displayed. The permission to access targets is derived from permissions links made between any groups that a user and target belong to. For details, see the IBM® BigFix® Remote Control Administrator's Guide.

To browse for targets, complete the following steps:


  1. Click Targets > Browse.
  2. Click the selector button to display the list of target groups.
  3. Select the required target group.
    If you have permissions to access the target members in the selected group, the list of available targets is displayed on the right. If you do not have permissions, no targets are displayed.
  4. Select the required target and click the selector button.
  5. Click Submit.


The target details are displayed and if the target is selected, a list of available actions is displayed. These actions are explained in other sections of this document.

Click Cancel to return to the previously displayed screen.