Editing a package or Fixlet

After creating a package, add the necessary files to install the software product that you want to deploy to your endpoints and then create the distribution tasks.

Adding the installation files

To add a file to the package, click Add Files located under the Manage Files tab.

Figure 1: Managing files

Managing files
This action opens the Add Files to Package window where you can add files and folders. For information about the types of files you can add, see Supported package types.
Note: The dashboard can only download files that do not require any authentication, such as files that do not need username or password.
There are different ways to add a file or a bundle to a package. You can use any of the following options:
Add File
Specify a single file, which is uploaded from the system. You can manually type the name of the file, or click Browse to locate a file stored in your system.
Add Folder
Specify an entire folder of content of your package, which is uploaded from the system. As in the previous example, type the name of the folder or browse to locate a folder in your system.
Figure 2: Adding files from a folder

Adding files to a package

The Compression Depth feature, located within the Add Folder field, is used to compress files together at a specified folder depth. Use a depth of '0' to bundle all files together into one compression file.

Note: To maintain optimum performance, use the compression feature if pushing more than 50 files to an endpoint. Distributing many small files costs more network bandwidth, while distributing fewer large files costs more endpoint processor. Use the Compress Folders at depth option to tune this performance control for your environment.
Note: If you choose to compress nested folders when adding the installation files of a software product, you can rename the folders that are uploaded to a package. Rename the folders for easier identification, especially if multiple folders are uploaded. The folder name uses the following naming convention: compressedPackageData-<YYYMMDDHHMM>
Add File URL
Specify the URL of the file. You can either choose to download the file immediately or only during Fixlet runtime.
Note: The ability to download the file immediately and upload it to the BigFix server is available only for IBM BigFix v9.1 or later.
Figure 3: Adding files from a URL

Adding files to a package
If you want to associate the file to a Fixlet and download it only when the Fixlet is deployed, click Do not download the file until Task runtime. Then, provide the following information, which are validated only during Fixlet runtime:
  • File name
  • SHA1 value
  • SHA256 value
  • Size information (in bytes)
Verify that you enter the correct values, otherwise the console will prompt an error message when the Fixlet is deployed.
Click Use Relative Path if you want to add the files into a specific folder of the package, and then enter the folder directory. For example, you must enter InstallPackage/Languages if you want to add another language file to your package with the following structure:
		- install.exe (file)
		- Languages (folder)
			- jpn.srt (file)
			- eng.rt (file)
		- Cache (folder)

After selecting an option, click Add to Package at the bottom of the window. This action processes all the information for your package, analyzes the relevant files, and uploads them to the server.

While files are being uploaded to the server, check the File Status field in the dashboard. An exclamation mark indicates that files are not yet uploaded to the IBM BigFix.

Figure 4: File status

File status
You might need to click Refresh to view changes in file status before the dashboard auto-refreshes. The upload is complete when the file status changes to a check mark.
Note: If a file fails to upload, check the logs in <Windows temp>\SoftwareDistributionLogs\Uploadmanager.

Creating distribution tasks

To create a distribution task for the package, click the Manage Tasks tab.

Figure 5: Adding a Fixlet to a package

Adding a Fixlet to a package
Note: Add tasks only after you add files.
Click New Task to open the Create Distribution Task window, which displays all available files associated with your package that can be included in a distribution task.
Note: The Policy Action type of Mac PKG tasks is not supported in the Software Distribution task deployment process.

Select each file that you want to deploy to your endpoints, and click Add.

Figure 6: Creating a distribution task

Creating a distribution task

You cannot create a task where all of the files are in a relative path. Software Distribution tasks require that the installation commands exist in the root of the package. If you attempt to add files to a package that has no files in its root folder, the task displays the following warning:

Figure 7: Warning message when files which are not in the root folder, are added to a package

Warning message when files that are not in the root folder are added to a package

Click Next. In this window, you define an installation command to be used when sending the software package to your endpoints, and customize a command-line message specific to your distribution task.

Figure 8: Defining installation command

Defining installation command
Note: If you added a PKG file, select whether it is a Mac or Solaris file.
You can also configure the following advanced options for the distribution task:
Force installation
This option is only applicable to SPB files.
You can specify the values for the SPB built-in variables, such as the installation path, folder name, file separator, either during the creation of the task or at deployment time.
To modify variables at deployment time, you must select them during task creation. The selected variables can then be edited in the Fixlet description page.
Create an associated uninstall task
Select this option to create a task to uninstall the selected software package.
Apply MST files to the installation command
If your installation command is an MSI, then select Apply MST file to install command. A list of all the MSTs that can be applied to the MSI is displayed.
Add custom preinstallation and postinstallation commands
You can include any additional commands during the creation of the installation task through the dashboard rather than editing the task after its creation. For more information, see Adding preinstallation and postinstallation commands.
Create an individual log
Configure the task to generate an individual log file upon the completion of the action. For more information, see Generating logs for individual tasks.
Use a custom directory
Specify a full path location, including the drive, to download and run the installation files. For example, C:/SWD.
Files are downloaded and extracted to this custom directory instead of the default __Download/ directory. Tasks run from the specified location instead of the default ../__BESData/actionsite directory. A folder called tmp is created in the specified path, and is cleared before running any new tasks.
You can configure to remove the files from the client in the tmp folder when the action completes.

You can run the command either as a system user or as a current user. The default is to run the task as a system user, but certain packages require the current user to install the software package successfully. Click Next.

Use the three drop-down lists to specify operating system, name, and syntax parameters for targeting using additional conditions. You can combine relevance expressions in the box indicated, or add generated relevance. Click Create Task when you complete these steps.

Figure 9: Defining additional target conditions

Defining additional target conditions

In the next window, click the link in the Actions box to deploy the action, and set parameters in the Take Action dialog.

Note: Ensure that you test a Fixlet before deploying it in a production environment.

To verify if the task has completed successfully, check whether the software was installed on the endpoints. For more information, see Package type verification.

You can edit a task only if you have the appropriate console permissions to view and edit the task, regardless of the permissions set through the Manage Software Distribution dashboard. If you do not have console permission to edit a task and you attempt to do so, an error message displays.
Figure 10: Permission restriction warning

Permission restriction warning

A similar error message displays when you attempt to delete a Software Distribution package through the Manage Software Distribution dashboard without having the appropriate permission.