Importing Lists of Websites

About this task

Web Reputation allows you to import URLs for new Blocked and Approved List templates from new line-delimited files.


  1. Create two text files - one for the websites you want this template to block and another for the websites to which you want to give your users unrestricted access.
    Note: If you do not want to include an Approved List in the template, you can skip this part of the process. Web Reputation allows you to create Blocked / Approved List Templates with both list types (a blocked and an approved list), only a Blocked List, or only an Approved List.

  2. Press Enter or place a "newline" code at the end of each line to separate each entry. You must have "http://" before each URL entry. To block all the pages for a site, enter the domain name followed by "/*", for example:*
  3. From the console menu, click Endpoint Protection on the bottom left pane.
  4. From the upper left navigation pane, go to Core Protection Module > Configuration > Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List > Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List to open the Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List Wizard.
  5. Click the Add Template button or Edit. The Blocked-Approved List Templates – Add Template window opens.
  6. Click Bulk Import Sites from external file.... The Import Sites from External File window appears.
  7. Select the text file you wish to import by clicking Browse next to the Select Import File field. The Open window appears.
  8. Use the Open window to navigate to the location where you have stored the text file.
  9. Select the file and click Open. The path to the selected file appears in the Select Import File field.
  10. Choose Blocked List or Approved List from the List Type.
  11. Click the Add Sites from File button.
  12. Click Yes to import the file. If you click No, to import the list you must re-launch the Wizard and perform the import process again.
  13. After you click Yes, the Blocked / Approved List Wizard displays the contents of the tab associated with the file.
  14. Click Finish to end the import process and start generating the relevant Custom Action.
    Note: To see the process required to finish generating your Custom Action and deploying the template, start at Step 8 in the Creating and Deploying a New Template section.