Copying and Editing a Template

About this task

Web Reputation enables you to create copies of existing Blocked / Approved List templates. Use this feature to create copies of existing templates or to create slightly modified versions of existing templates.


  1. From the console menu, click Endpoint Protection on the bottom left pane.
  2. From the upper left navigation pane, go to Core Protection Module > Configuration > Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List > Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List to open the Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List Wizard.
  3. Select the name of the Blocked / Approved List template you want to duplicate and click Copy. The name of the template appears in the form of "Copy of…" followed by the template name you chose to copy. Web Reputation automatically copies the contents of the Blocked and Approved List fields into the new template.
  4. Change the name in the Template Name field to a descriptive template name.
  5. Make other necessary changes to the template. For example, in copied templates, you can:
    • Add new URLs to the copied Blocked or Approved List.

    • Remove URLs from the Blocked or Approved List.

    • Import and append either an external blocked or an external approved list to your Blocked and Approved List entries.

  6. When you have modified the template, click Finish to end the process and to start generating the relevant Custom Action.