Creating and Deploying a New Template


  1. From the console menu, click Endpoint Protection on the bottom left pane.
  2. From the upper left navigation pane, go to Core Protection Module > Configuration > Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List > Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List Wizard. The Web Reputation Blocked-Approved List Wizard window opens, showing a list of your currently available templates.
  3. Click Add Template. The Blocked-Approved List Template–Add Template page opens.
  4. Enter a name for your template in the Template Name field.
  5. In the Blocked List pane, enter or copy/paste the URLs you want to block. You may enter up to 500 URLs. You also must have "http://" or “https://” before each URL entry. To block all the pages for a site, enter the name of the domain followed by /*. Example:*
    Note: You can include up to 500 URLs in a single template, and can create multiple templates for use. However, only one template can be active on an endpoint at the same time.
  6. To enter an Approved List, in the Approved List pane, enter or copy/paste the URLs you want your users to be able to access without restriction. You may enter up to 499 URLs per template. You also must have "http://" or “https://” before each URL entry. To grant access to all the pages on a site, enter the name of the domain followed by /*. Example:*
  7. When you are finished creating your template, click Save. The Blocked-Approved List Templates window returns.
  8. Click the Create Task From Template... button. The Edit Task window opens.
  9. Click OK, type your Private Key Password, and click OK. A Task window appears.
  10. Click the hyperlink in the Actions window. The Take Action window opens.
  11. Select the computer or computers in the window to which you want to deploy your Blocked / Approved List template and set any desired options.
    Note: For more information about setting options using tabs in the Take Action window, see the IBM BigFix Console Operator’s Guide in IBM Knowledge Center.
  12. When you have finished selecting options, click OK.
  13. Enter your Private Key Password when necessary and click OK. An Action window appears in which you can track the progress as BigFix deploys your Blocked / Approved List template to your endpoints. After deployment, the "Status" shows "Completed."