Opening the BigFix Console

About this task

If you are logging into the BigFix Server using an administrator account, you can use NT Authentication instead of entering a password. If you are running the console remotely, you will need a user name and password.


  1. To open the console:
    • For Windows™ XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7, POSReady 2009, POSReady 7, Windows 10:

      On the Windows desktop, click the Windows Start button, then Programs > IBM BigFix > IBM BigFix Console.

    • For Windows 8 and Server 2012:

      On the Windows desktop, click the Windows Start button, then click the console shortcut.

      Note: Switch to desktop mode to view the console.
  2. Connect to the server database by entering the user name you created when installing the server (if you installed the evaluation version, type EvaluationUser for the user name) and then click OK.
    The console opens.