CPM Clients

Enabling Debugging on the CPM Client


  1. Create the following directory:
  2. Change to this directory and then create a text file with name and content shown below:
    File name = ofcdebug.ini
    [debug] Debuglog = C:\logserver\ofcdebug.log Debuglevel = 9
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Run the following program from a command prompt:
    %ProgramFiles%\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client\Logserver.exe

Collecting Information by CDT


  1. Run the following program on the endpoint in question:
    %ProgramFiles%\Trend Micro\Core Protection Module\CDT\CaseDiagnosticTool.exe
  2. Copy the output file from its location at C:\CDT_Data\The file name will be similar to: CDT-20091003-030750.zip
  3. Send the compressed file to Trend Micro Technical Support.