
These are scripts for specific solutions which are executed on a client’s machine. There are two modules available under Scripts:

  • Global Scripts: these scripts belong to the solutions which are published in global admin console.
  • Update button: the update button is visible for specific scripts under Global Scripts section only if an admin makes any modifications in scripts of solutions.
  • Client Scripts: these scripts belong to client.
Figure 1. Figure 96- Scripts Page
  1. To move scripts from Global Scripts section to Client Scripts section, the admin must select the scripts by clicking the corresponding checkbox and then click on Move to Client Bucket button.
Figure 2. Figure 97 - Select Scripts From Global Scripts
  1. The following success message appears:
Figure 3. Figure 98 - Success Message
  1. The selected scripts are successfully transferred from the Global Scripts section to the Client Scripts section.
Figure 4. Figure 99 - Scripts Shifted from Global Scripts to Client Scripts