iOS App Request

To raise request for iOS App, an organization’s BigFix AEX Administrator can raise request in the global admin console for a particular tenant. The following steps illustrate the process of raising such a request:

  1. Log on to Global Admin Console and select Support button.
  1. Figure 1. Figure 1 - Android App Request
    1. Click on Support Ticket button to raise a new iOS App request.
  1. Figure 2. Figure 2 - New iOS App Request
    1. Once the Support page opens, choose the Support Type as ‘Access & Usage’ from the drop-down menu.
    Figure 3. Figure 3 - Access & Usage Request in Support Menu
  2. On selecting Access & Usage the following fields will be visible:
Figure 4. Figure 4 - Data Erasure Request
  1. Populate the fields as directed below:
  2. Access Category: Choose Other
  3. Subject: Mention iOS App Request
  4. Description: Mention the following details in the free text area:
  1. Tenants Name: Tenants Name for which iOS application is to be created.
  2. Type of Application platform? Android / iOS: Type of Application platform for which app can should be generated.
  3. Application Name: Name of Application which is displayed at type of installation.
  4. Optional can provide Zip file of Assets: This is optional part if user wants to provide at the ticket generation time, then user has to provide .zip file of iOS Assets.
  1. Send Notifications to (Comma Separated Ids): Notification will be sent to the administrator raising data erasure request; however, user’s (user requesting data erasure) email ID can be added for notification.
  2. Status: Choose New
  3. Assigned To: Mention BigFix
  4. File: Attach assets .zip file.
  5. Click on Submit. On submission, a confirmation would be visible for new support ticket raised for data erasure.
Figure 5. Figure 5 - iOS App Request Submitted Successfully
  1. On successful request submission, the request submitter will receive email confirmation from BigFix AEX:
Figure 6. Figure 6 - iOS App Request Ticket Confirmation Email
  1. The latest request will also be visible on the Support page of the tenant.
  2. The iOS app request will be completed in 3-4 working days from the date of app generated. The requester will be notified.