Install and configure ODJ Service - BigFix WebUI

ODJ service is an "Add-on" service and is installed through WebUI after completing the initial MDM server install. Log in to WebUI to install and configure ODJ Service.

Before you begin

  • If you want to configure ODJ Service for hybrid domain join, ensure the required prerequisites are met.
  • If you want to configure ODJ Service for AD domain join, ensure the required prerequisites are met.
  • Ensure the required server and client certificates are available.
  • ODJ Connector needs reachability/line of site to the MCM server​
  • OU details
  • Domain admin (or equivalent) permission for the ODJ connector to generate the Djoin blob

About this task

Complete the following tasks to install and configure ODJ service.
  1. Install ODJ service
  2. Configure MDM Server for ODJ Service
  3. Configure ODJ Policy from Windows Offline Domain Join Template and deploy to MDM server

What to do next

Once the ODJ policy is created and added to a policy group, the ODJ installation and configuration is complete. You can then enroll Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices using Autopilot enrollment with Offline Domain Join service.