Migrating from Vulnerability Reporting site

CVE Search used to be published to the Vulnerability Reporting site that has since been deprecated. As of March 31st 2023, this site will no longer receive updates. To continue using CVE Search dashboard and Web Report, HCL recommends unsubscribing from the Vulnerability Reporting site and subscribing to the CyberFOCUS Site.

About this task

To unsubscribe from the Vulnerability Reporting site and subscribe to the CyberFOCUS site, complete the following steps.

  1. In the BigFix Console, in the BigFix Management Domain, navigate to the License Overview Dashboard.
  2. In the License Overview Dashboard, navigate to the Lifecycle or Compliance domain.
  3. In the site list, find the site named Vulnerability Reporting. Click on the site name and then click on the remove button.

  4. In the License Overview Dashboard, navigate to the Lifecycle or Compliance domain.
  5. In the site list, find the site named CyberFOCUS. Click on the enable button next to the site and gather it.