Vulnerabilities Report

Select the Vulnerability domain using Domains and click on Reports to find the following report:


Shows the list view of CVE-ID, severity, base score, patches, patch available since, vulnerable computers, and the percentage of remediated.

[Starting from 2.0.10] A new "Active Patches" pre-defined Saved Report is set as the Global Default Report with the owner set to the user with the administrator role. The report lists Vulnerabilities that still have patches that are actively evaluated and do not have a FALSE relevance flag.

During upgrade, if there is already a defined Global Default Report, it will be preserved. The owner user with the administrator role or the user with permission to View Patch and Vulnerability will be set as the owner of the report.

The owner of the "Active Patches" Saved Report can remove the report or change it. It can also be recreated at any time.