Patch and Remediated State

Patch Remediated state is marked as follows:

  1. Remediated when device report it not relevant and patch does not use FALSE relevance statement and in case of having Superseded Evaluation Flag, flag is activated on endpoint.
  2. Not Remediated when Patch is applicable/relevant for the device.
  3. Previous state: Remediated or Not Remediated is available, in case of disabling patch evaulation state is preserved.
  4. It is unknown when the patch state has been changed to not relevant due to superseding content and the lack of possibility to further report patch applicability, and no previous state was known.

In version 2.0.10, algorithm has been reimplemented and Vulnerability logic has been further redesigned to improve Vulnerability reporting. For details see Vulnerability Reporting Mechanics 2.0.10 or later and Vulnerability Reporting Mechanics up to 2.0.10.