Install manually on a WebSphere server

This section describes how to manually install the glass box agent on a WebSphere server.

About this task

When AppScan® is installed, the files needed for installing the server agent are saved in a dedicated folder on your machine. To perform this task you will need access to this folder, and to your application server.


  1. Open ...\Program Files\IBM\AppScan Standard\Glass box

    The absolute path will depend on where you installed AppScan.

  2. Locate and copy it to your web server.
  3. Extract the contents of this folder to your preferred location on the web server.
  4. Define a username and password for the agent (use only English ASCII characters):
    • Linux server: Run <username> <password>
      Note: must have execution permissions.
    • Windows server: Run AgentCredentials.bat <username> <password>
  5. Deploy GBootStrap web application:
    1. Log in to the WebSphere's Integrated Solutions console. The default location is http://<server_name>:<port_number>/ibm/console/
      Note: If more then one profile has been defined, log into the appropriate one.
    2. Select New Applications > New Enterprise Application
    3. In the Path to the new application area, add the full path to the GBootStrap.war file.
    4. In the Context root field, type in GBootStrap, then click Next.

      The Install New Application wizard opens.

    5. Unless you want to change any default options, simply click Next until the wizard completes. If you are asked to save the configuration, do so.
      When you have completed the wizard, GBootstrap.war will appear in the list of applications. A red X or a green arrow icon in the Application Status column indicate whether or not it is active. If it is not active (red X), select it and click Start. A green arrow indicates that GBootstrap.war is active.
  6. Now select Servers > Application Servers
  7. In the right pane, click on your server's name.
  8. Click on the Configuration tab to bring it to the front.
  9. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process Definition.
  10. Under Additional Properties click Java Virtual Machine.
  11. Add the following argument to the Generic JVM Arguments:
    -javaagent:c:/path/to/gbAgent.jar (the example is for Windows operating systems; for other systems the path should be adjusted appropriately).
    Note: The path should not contain any spaces.
    Note: If there are other Java agents defined on the web server, you can add the glass box agent to the Generic JVM Arguments area (the exact path will depend on your installation):
    ... -javaagent:c:\otherAgent\otherAgent.jar -javaagent:c:\glassbox\gbAgent.jar ...
  12. Click Apply, and save the configuration if asked.
  13. Restart WebSphere server.