For scanning web APIs, define the your API type (improves coverage by better configuring custom parameters), explore method, and domains to be tested.

Use Configuration > API to configure your web API scan.
  1. Select your API type:
    • Open API:
      1. If possible, add a description file, to help AppScan identify path parameters.
      2. Click Verify description file and AppScan will confirm that the file is valid.
    • GraphQL
    • Other
  2. Explore method:
    • If you have a Postman Collection file, choose and verify the file.
      Note: Once you add a Postman Collection to a configuration, you cannot export it as a SCANT (template) file, as the collection cannot be included in a template. You must either remove the collection or save as a SCAN file.
    • Otherwise, you can use manual explore, or import explore data.
  3. You must add at least one domain from the Postman Collection to be scanned.
    Tip: The domains in the Postman Collection will not be scanned unless you add them here.

When you have configured any additional settings, such as Login or Test policy and optimization, you can run a full scan or Explore only.