Generating precompiled JavaServer Pages for a WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile

If you are importing applications from a WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile (version 8.5 and higher), manual JSP precompilation is required (the Liberty profile does not include a stand-alone JSP compiler). This topic describes the steps required for setting up manual JSP precompilation.


  1. Follow the instructions for creating a Liberty profile server at the WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment Knowledge Center. For WebSphere® Application Server Version 8.5.5, see the Creating a Liberty profile server by using developer tools topic.
  2. In the Liberty profile server.xml file, add this to the server description section:
        <jspEngine prepareJSPs="0"/>
        <webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/>

    For example:

    <server description="new server">
        <!-- Enable features -->
        <!-- To access this server from a remote client 
             add a host attribute to the following element, 
             e.g. host="*" -->
        <httpEndpoint httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>
        <jspEngine prepareJSPs="0"/>
        <webContainer deferServletLoad="false"/>

    The server.xml file is described at the the WebSphere® Application Server Center. For WebSphere® Application Server Version 8.5.5, see the Liberty profile: Configuration elements in the server.xml file topic.

  3. Start the server in debug mode, using one of these methods:


After completing these steps, import your Java applications from the WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile by following the steps in Importing existing Java applications from Apache Tomcat and WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile application servers.