General preferences

General preferences allow you to tailor some of the AppScan® Source for Analysis default settings to fit your personal preferences.

Select Language

The AppScan® Source for Analysis user interface can be displayed in different national languages. To change the national language that is displayed, select it from the Select Language list and then click OK in the preferences dialog box. You must manually restart the workbench for the changes to take effect.

Note: To make use of this feature, at least one language pack must be installed during the installation procedure. If English was the only language that was installed, then the product will display in English after using this preference and restarting the workbench. In this case, if you want to display a language other than English, run the installation wizard again and choose to repair the installation by adding one or more language packs.

File Encoding

The character encoding of files in your project must be set so that AppScan® Source can read the files properly (and, for example, display them correctly in the source view). Select the default character encoding in this section.

Logging Level

Change the logging level to provide the level of information that you want to include in error logs. Choose from Trace, Debug, Informational, Warnings, Errors, and Fatal - where Trace offers the noisiest level of logging, Fatal logs only critical events, and the remaining settings, in order, offer incrementally higher levels of logging.

Save All Filters on Exit

When selected, you disable a prompt to automatically save all newly created or edited filters when you exit AppScan® Source.

Cancel Scan on Error

When selected, incomplete scans are avoided by canceling a scan if an error occurs.

Create a marker for each finding

When selected, if you have an open assessment, source from the scan that is opened in the editor will include markers at locations for which there are findings.

By default, marker creation is enabled.

Creating markers can slow down a scan. If your project includes a many source files - or source files that are large - performance may be improved if marker creation is turned off.

After a scan finishes

The default setting is to receive a prompt asking if you want the assessment to open automatically at the end of a scan. If you do not want to the see the prompt, select Always open the new assessment or Never open.

After a scan completes and there are unsaved scans of the same targets

By default, you are prompted to save or discard the existing unsaved scans. You can modify this preference so that duplicate scans are always deleted automatically - or never deleted automatically. When setting this preference, note that memory usage is reduced when duplicate scans are deleted.

When publishing or exporting an assessment with absolute paths

By default, you are prompted to define absolute path variables when publishing. Settings in this section allow you to disable this default prompt or automatically open the dialog box that allows you to define variables when absolute paths exist.

Automatically register applications on initial publish

By default, when you publish assessments for unregistered applications or projects, you are prompted to register them. You may select to always register applications and projects when they are published - or to never register.

Important: You must have Register permission to be able to register applications and projects.

When application names conflict

It is possible to have applications of the same name in AppScan® Source for Analysis, however, working with them can be unmanageable. By default, if you try to give an application the same name as an existing application (or import an application with the same name as an existing application), you will be prompted with a warning. The warning message allows you to generate a unique name for the application, keep the conflicting name, or cancel.

If you want to have AppScan® Source for Analysis automatically generate a unique application name when conflicts arise, select Generate Unique Name in the preference page. If you want to automatically accept conflicting application names, select Keep Existing Name.

Note: Applications are stored with the filename <application_name>.paf. If you choose Keep Existing Name, you cannot set the working directory to be the same as that of the existing application with the same name. In this case, you will be prompted to overwrite the existing filename - but the overwrite will fail because the existing application is already open in AppScan® Source for Analysis.

When project names conflict

This setting only applies when you attempt to create or import a project of the same name as one that exists in the same application. In this case, project names cannot conflict. If you attempt this, by default, you will be prompted to have a unique name generated - or cancel the action. If you want to have AppScan® Source for Analysis automatically generate a unique project name when conflicts arise, select Generate Unique Name in the preference page.

Number of Assessments shown in Published Assessments and My Assessments on startup

Set the maximum number of assessments to view in the Published Assessments view or the My Assessments view.

Optimize for High Network Latency

Select this checkbox to cache more information on the client to minimize server calls.

Reload System Configuration

Load the latest system settings. If you have changed settings outside of the product while it is running - for example, by modifying .ozsettings files in <data_dir>\config (where <data_dir> is the location of your AppScan® Source program data, as described in Installation and user data file locations) - select this button to refresh the settings in the product.

Intelligent Findings Analytics (IFA)

Intelligent Findings Analytics can be enabled or disabled for all scans. The default is enabled.