Reclassifying QuickScan URLs

While you explore your application, QuickScan records the URLs and uses heuristics to classify them as either part of the login sequence or as regular URLs. Any pages you navigate before logging in to the application will be classified as part of the login sequence. Pages following the login sequence are classified as regular URLs. You can reclassify any URL if it is listed incorrectly. You can see all the URLs in the list by expanding or collapsing the list.


  1. In the Setup tab of the QuickScan, do one of the following:
    1. Click the Login Steps button to move the line up the list.
    2. Click the Explore button to move the line down the list.
  2. Click Save.


If a URL appears in the wrong list:

  1. Select the URL and delete it.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Explore URLs to add regular URLs to the list.
    • Click Record Login to rerecord the login sequence.
  3. Click Save.