Users and groups

Before creating user accounts you need to determine who your users will be and what their role will be in any given folder. When you know this information, you can create users automatically with the default user settings by importing LDAP user groups, or creating them manually. Any valid member of your organization's Windows network can become a user.

As a best practice, when you first create a new user you should give them a No Access user type until you finish configuring their folder permissions, and then change their user type to whatever type you want them to have. This prevents new users from being able to access areas they shouldn't if they log in while you are still configuring their permissions.

You must understand:

  • The different user types and roles available.
  • You can create users automatically by using the Default User template
  • You can create users manually if:
    • The Default User template has been assigned a No Access user type.
    • You want to assign a specific user type to users before they log in. In this case you must first create the user, then edit their user properties to change their user type. By default, the user type is automatically assumed from the Default User template, so it must be changed after you create a user.
    • You want to deny access to a specific user, and the Default User permits access to anyone with a Windows network account. You must specifically create the user and change their user type to No Access.

Searching Users and Groups

In the Users and Groups page, a user administrator can search specific user(s) or a group(s) by the Name.

The user and group search can be initiated using the wildcard search method (using characters *) or a combination of search keywords and wildcard character. If no keyword or character is provided in the Search field, the application modifies the search keyword to *searchtext* and triggers the search process.

To search a User or Group.
  1. Login to HCL AppScan Enterprise Administration application.
  2. Navigate to Administration > User and Groups page. The Users and Groups page is displayed. The Search field is available on the upper-right corner of the users and groups tabular list.
  3. In the search field, enter the preferred user or group name keyword you want to search.
  4. Click the Search button. The list of user or group names matching the search criteria are displayed in the list.

Examples for searching user and group.

Assume searching for specific users from the name list having names "Anderson, Davis, Rogers, Jackson, Sanay, Nelson, Phillip, Henderson, Ross, Richards."
Search Text Search Result
son Anderson, Nelson, Henderson
r*s Rogers, Ross, Richards