Resetting Service Account Password in AppScan Enterprise through the ASE AdminUtil tool in silent mode

The AppScan Enterprise (ASE) AdminUtil tool helps users to avoid rerun the configuration wizard on the AppScan Enterprise Server, IAST Communication service, DAST scanner(s), Database service, and Alert services to reset the password of service account. You can achieve this by running the utility in two modes - Interactive mode and Silent mode. For more information about resetting service account password through interactive mode, see Resetting Service Account Password in AppScan Enterprise through the ASE AdminUtil tool

Before you begin

  • AppScan Enterprise Server v10.0.1 and later or the DAST Scanner(s) or IAST Communication service or Database service or Alert services should be installed.
  • When you are trying to reset service account, the password you are entering must be a AppScan Enterprise configured Service Account user or any user with Administrator privileges.
  • No scans should be running while trying to reset the password through ASE AdminUtil tool. Any progressive scans might be suspended as the utility restarts all the AppScan Enterprise and IIS services.

About this task

This section explains about resetting the Service Account password through AdminUtil tool in silent mode. When you running the ASE AdminUtil in silent mode to reset the service account password, the parameters you provide in the AdminUtil command syntax must be accurate. If any of the parameter value provided in the command is invalid, then the ASE AdminUtil displays a validation error message specific to the parameter for which you have entered incorrect value.


  1. Launch the command prompt as an Administrator.
  2. In the command prompt, navigate to the ASE AdminUtil path (The ASE AdminUtil is available in the AppScan Enterprise installation folder.)
  3. Execute the command either by entering in plaint text or in encoded (Base-64) format as follows:
    • Execute the command by entering the password in plain text: aseadminutil.exe -updatesvcpwd -s -u:UserName -p:Password and press [Enter].
    • Execute the command by entering the password encoded (Base-64): aseadminutil.exe -updatesvcpwd -s -u:UserName -pe:PasswordEncoded and press [Enter].
    When you run the command, it prompts you to enter the password.
    The following table describes about the parameters value, which you have to enter in this command line.
    Parameters Description
    -updatesvcpwd Indicates you are updating service account password.
    -s Indicates you are running admin utility in silent mode.
    -u Indicates service account username.
    Note: This value is mandatory when you are running the ASE AdminUtil command in silent mode, that is when you are using the -s argument parameter.
    -p Indicates service account password in plain text.
    Note: This value is mandatory when you are running the ASE AdminUtil command in silent mode. You can use either -p or -pe with the -s argument parameter.
    -pe Indicates service account password in encoded (Base-64).
    Note: This value is mandatory when you are running the ASE AdminUtil command in silent mode. You can use either -p or -pe with the -s argument parameter.
    -help Indicates you want to know more about this utility.
  4. The following command execution process begins. You must wait until the execution process is complete.
    • AppScan Enterprise Application service stopped
    • AppScan Enterprise Application service updated
    • AppScan Enterprise Application service started
    • AppScan Enterprise Agent service stopped
    • AppScan Enterprise Agent service updated
    • AppScan Enterprise Agent service started
    • AppScan Enterprise Alert service stopped
    • AppScan Enterprise Alert service updated
    • AppScan Enterprise Alert service started
    • AppScan Enterprise IAST service stopped
    • AppScan Enterprise IAST service updated
    • AppScan Enterprise IAST service started
    • AppScan Enterprise Database service stopped
    • AppScan Enterprise Database service updated
    • AppScan Enterprise Database service started
    • IIS instance username information updated
    • IIS instance password information updated
    After these actions are complete, the Password is updated successfully message appears.
  5. Login to AppScan Enterprise using the new password to validate your new account password.
    Note: The ASE AdminUtil should be executed on the AppScan Enterprise Server and all the systems where IAST Communication service, DAST scanner(s), Database service, and Alert services are installed.