Updating the Central Platform

Upgrade to a new version

Follow these steps when an upgrade becomes available. The upgrade uses the file ascp.config, which contains your current configuration.

To update your version of AppScan 360°:
  1. Download the new AppScan 360° installation package from the HCL License and Download Portal.
  2. Open Windows PowerShell as an Administrator and navigate to the AppScan 360° installation directory.
  3. Stop AppScan 360° by running:
  4. Extract the package by running the command line:
    [AppScan360 installer].exe -o"[c:[destination]" -y
  5. Run the following command to upgrade AppScan 360°:
    .\installer.ps1 -reconfigure
    This step may take a few minutes. When it's complete you receive confirmation that the AppScan 360° update is installed and ready to use.

Configuration changes

Follow this process if you need to modify your configuration after installation. For example, to change the SMTP user credentials.

  1. Open ascp.config.
  2. Refer to the table in Installing the AppScan Central Platform to make your changes.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Open Windows PowerShell as an Administrator and navigate to the AppScan 360° installation directory.
  5. Run the following command to apply the changes:
    .\installer.ps1 -reconfigure
    This step may take a few minutes.