Troubleshooting ASCP

The following logs may help troubleshooting ASCP:
  • Installation logs are located in the AppScan 360° root directory:
  • Application logs are located in:
Application logs are limited to 2MB. Once this limit is reached, another log will be created, up to ten log files total.
Important: Logs may contain sensitive information, such as email addresses or user names.
If any of the above services are missing or do not start after installation, run the installation script again with the -reconfigure flag. See Updating the Central Platform.

General scan issues

Three services should exist after installation:
  • AppScan360 Report Service
  • AppScan360 Server Service
  • AppScan360 Issue Information

Login issues

If you have issues logging in to AppScan 360°, try the following:
  • Verify that the AppScan 360° machine can connect to the database machine.
  • Verify that the AppScan 360° database was created successfully on the database machine.
  • Verify that the SQL server is configured to allow remote connections.
  • Verify that the AppScan 360° machine can connect to the LDAP server.
  • Check the LDAP configuration in the AppScan360.config file.

IIS issues

If you have IIS issues, try the following:
  • Ensure there are no other websites using ports 80, 443, 8081, 8090, or 5000.
  • Check that all application pools and websites have started. The websites names and their respective app-pools are:
    • external-entrypoint: external-entrypoint
    • AppScan: usersite-api
    • agents-api: agents-api
  • Check that all websites have the SSL certificate bound. Unless specified otherwise, the SSL certificate that is configured will be ASoP Certificate.


HCL Customer Support