Deployment configuration parameters

The AppScan 360° Static Analysis environment can be customized as follows:
  1. Create a configuration file in the yaml format. For example, values.yaml.
  2. List the customized parameters in the configuration file.

    Global, common, and RabbitMQ specific parameters are described in the following tables.

  3. Use the -f option with the script to specify the path name to configuration file. For example, when the configuration files is named values.yaml:
    > cat values.yaml 
                storage: 100Gi 
            ingressClassName: nginx.

Global parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
global.workload.mainContainer.image.registry Registry from which to pull AppScan 360° Static Analysis images
global.workload.mainContainer.image.repository Repository path to locate AppScan 360° Static Analysis images. appscan360-sast/sast-service
global.workload.mainContainer.image.tag Version of AppScan 360° Static Analysis images. 8.0.xxxx
global.workload.mainContainer.image.pullPolicy Policy to pull AppScan 360° Static Analysis images from registry. IfNotPresent Storage provider class name. Configured by the deployment script. azurefile for Azure deployment. Array of access permissions to the storage volumes. ReadWriteMany Storage allocation for AppScan 360° Static Analysis data volume. 200Gi Storage allocation for AppScan 360° Static Analysis logs volume. 10Gi User given name for pvcLog volume mount. CA certificate to sign AppScan 360° Static Analysis components. Configured by the deployment script. Private key to sign AppScan 360° Static Analysis components. Configured by the deployment script.
global.ingress.ingressClassName Ingress controller class name to use for AppScan 360° Static Analysis ingress.
global.ingress.additionalAnnotations List of annotations to configure in AppScan 360° Static Analysis ingress.
common.ingress.hostname Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to access SAppScan 360° Static Analysis ingress.
common.auth.token Bearer token to configure authorization in AppScan 360° Static Analysis. Configured by the deployment script.
common.configMap.LOG_LEVEL Log level for underlying micro-service for each AppScan 360° Static Analysis components INFO
common.configMap.SCAN_ARTIFACTS_AGE_IN_DAYS Number of days to retain the scan artifacts before they can be removed from AppScan 360° Static Analysis storage. 10
common.configMap.ASCP_SERVER_URL ASCP server URL to integrate with. Configured by the deployment script.

Common parameters

The following parameters can be used to customize each AppScan 360° Static Analysis component separately.

To configure the parameter for a particular component, prefix the parameter with the component name. For example, to configure the parameter <>.common.workload.mainContainer.resources.requests.cpu for gateway component:
Parameter Description Options Default
<>.common.configMap List of supported configurable parameters for underlying micro-service for each component. LOG_LEVEL, log level for underlying micro-service of the component. INFO
<>.common.secrets List of supported configurable secret parameters for underlying micro-service for each component. ASCP_AUTH_KEY, holds the ASCP server authentication token. Applicable for 'ascp-adapter'. Configured by the deployment script.
<>.common.hpa.maxReplicaCount Maximum number of replicas allowed for auto-scaling the component. ascp-adapter, preparer, analyzer 3
<>.common.workload.mainContainer.resources.requests.cpu Minimum number of CPUs required for the component. gateway, ascp-adapter, scan-manager, workflow-manager 4
preparer, analyzer 2
<>.common.workload.mainContainer.resources.requests.memory Minimum amount of memory (RAM) required for the component. gateway 1Gi
ascp-adapter, scan-manager, workflow-manager 4Gi
preparer, analyzer 24Gi
<>.common.workload.mainContainer.resources.limits.cpu Maximum number of CPUs required for the component. gateway, ascp-adapter, scan-manager, workflow-manager 4
preparer, analyzer 8
<>.common.workload.mainContainer.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory (RAM) required for the component. gateway 4Gi
ascp-adapter, scan-manager, workflow-manager 8Gi
preparer, analyzer 32Gi
<>.common.workload.additionalLabels List of deployment labels to configure for the component.
<>.common.workload.additionalAnnotations List of deployment annotations to configure for the component.
<>.common.workload.podLabels List of pod labels to configure for the component.
<>.common.workload.podAdditionalAnnotations List of pod annotations to configure for the component.
<>.common.workload.additionalNodeSelector List of node selectors to configure for the component.
<>.common.workload.additionalTolerations List of tolerations to configure for the component.
<>.common.metrics.port Port to access Prometheus metrics for the component. 8443
<>.common.metrics.path URL to access Prometheus metrics for the component. /actuator/prometheus


RabbitMQ parameters that can be customized are as follows:

Parameter Description Default
rabbitmq.image.registry Registry to pull RabbitMQ container images.
rabbitmq.image.repository Repository path to locate RabbitMQ container image . appscan360-sast/sast-service
rabbitmq.image.tag Version of RabbitMQ container images. 3.11.10-debian-11-r0
rabbitmq.auth.username Username to access RabbitMQ. appscan
rabbitmq.auth.password Password to access RabbitMQ. Configured by the deployment script. Configured by the deployment script.
rabbitmq.persistance.storageClass Storage provider class name to use in RabbitMQ. Configured by the deployment script. azurefile for Azure deployment.
rabbitmq.ingress.enabled Ingress to access RabbitMQ management portal. False
rabbitmq.ingress.hostname Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to access RabbitMQ management portal ingress.

To see the complete list:

  • If installing from HCL Harbor, navigate to the following path for a complete listing of configuration parameters and associated values Projects > appscan360-sast/sast-service/sast-service-core > values.
  • If installing from archive file, the values.yaml file can be found in the chart folder (sast-service-base/helm/sast-service-core/values.yaml).

Node selector configuration

The SAST deployment can be configured to run a component's pod in a particular node that meets the criteria. Below are the properties related to node selector configurations:
Parameter Description
<>.common.workload.additionalNodeSelector Accepts the node label to which to install. The selector picks a node with the label provided.
rabbitmq.common.nodeSelector Accepts the node label to which to install RabbitMQ. The selector picks a node with the label provided.

For example:

  • Create a label with name sastNodeType and value sast-analyzer-node for a node pool.
  • Once the node is configured with the label, the pods can be configured to be created in the matching nodes. To configure the analyzer component's pods to be created in the node with label sastNodeType=sast-analyzer-node, configure properties as follows:
              sastNodeType: sast-analyzer-node

Sample YAML file

      storage: 20G
      storage: 2G